August 27th, 2016 4 min read

Weekend Reading — The hardest problem in computer science

Design Objective When to Use a Switch or Checkbox What I love about this post is, once you spend a few minutes thinking about it, it's pretty obvious and easy to remember: You should only use switches on settings that need to take effect instantaneously. If a setting

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August 20th, 2016 7 min read

Weekend Reading — Full-stack boyfriend

Design Objective UX for Engineers Yes, engineers can do UX, because UX is not about things like “shared aesthetic vocabulary” — UX is about making something that works. Or as Assaf (not me) summarizes it: Think of the user as the final integration in the application stack. Great Products Don’t

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August 13th, 2016 5 min read

Weekend Reading — Mornings are hard

Design Objective Hypothesis driven UX design This, so much this: 1. Take your assumptions and state them as explicit hypotheses 2. Let your team buy into stated hypotheses 3. Force yourself to design according to your hypotheses 4. Force yourself to test against your hypotheses 5. Create a culture of

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August 6th, 2016 5 min read

Weekend Reading — Do dates make you nervous?

Design Objective Design Better Data Tables How to display tabular data: Tables might be boring, but they are such a major element of any data-rich document that they’re worth every ounce of design thinking we can apply to them. Making a case for letter case Just as title case

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July 30th, 2016 4 min read

Weekend Reading — The Churn

Design Objective 4 ways I’ve fucked up as a designer Solid takeaways, like this one: Don’t skip process. User flows? User scenarios? User stories? User jokes? User lollipops and user flashlights and user sinuses? Yes please, give it all to me. I don’t care if it exists

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July 23rd, 2016 4 min read

Weekend Reading — Laser Flip Triple Set

Design Objective Transit Maps: Apple vs. Google vs. Us Transit App explains how they render their transit maps. @tw: Short, sweet, 100% effective: Engineer's guide to good design: 1. Build it how you would want it 2. Remove half the functionality 3. Double the whitespace Psychology of Design

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July 16th, 2016 4 min read

Weekend Reading — Sets a Pokelure in the meeting room

Design Objective Complexion Reduction: A New Trend in Design IMO this new fashion trend makes apps easier to use: The defining characteristics of this hot new trend sweeping across Silicon Valley are: 1. Bigger, bolder headlines 2. Simpler more universal icons 3. Extraction of color How much interface does your

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July 9th, 2016 4 min read

Weekend Reading — Legoland Space

Design Objective Design Better Forms Common mistakes designers make and how to fix them. Always use a label Accommodating labels into a visual design can be challenging but shying away from the challenge is not the answer. Embrace the challenge, don’t over simplify. And of course, always use a

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July 2nd, 2016 4 min read

Weekend Reading — Track Changes

Design Objective Hamburger Menus and Hidden Navigation Hurt UX Metrics TL;DR Discoverability is cut almost in half by hiding a website’s main navigation. Also, task time is longer and perceived task difficulty increases. ignore the code: Input Masks: Violating User Expectations Don’t be too clever for your

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